Case Study

Fiber Optic Build


Celerity Integrated Services, Inc. completed a turnkey fiber optic build for a premier Competitive Access Provider company whose customer is a large Central Pennsylvania School District.  The project demanded a cost effective solution in a condensed time frame.

The Challenge

The project required single mode optical continuity between 16 schools and an optical link between 2 large data centers.  All in all, 24 miles of OSP design, construction and documentation encapsulated the scope of the project.  The project included both aerial and underground construction, including directional drilling.  The most feasible of cable paths also included several major interstate crossings, railroad crossings, and small streams. The already tight time frame was further compacted by factors beyond anyone’s control such as Make Ready and Permitting issues that delayed the start date by over 3 months.  The project was finally able to start in the middle of August with the bulk of the work needed to be completed prior to the beginning of the school year.


The Outcome

Celerity was able complete the project within the allotted time frame specifically because we created detailed plan to overcome the time crunch obstacle.  Despite the short time frame, Celerity did not cut corners and completed the project in accordance with all applicable local regulations and in excess of typical industry standards.  As with all Celerity projects, the school district and the customer received a thorough close out package, complete with as-builts, a daily log of job details, OTDR and Power Meter Results, and a Certificate of Warranty.  Recently the School District suffered a loss of continuity due to environmental factors and it was the thorough planning and detailed list of emergency actions on the part of the CAP company and Celerity that restored the schools service within a few hours of the outage.

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