Permitting & Construction


A national fiber provider was rolling out a major initiative to provide lit services to several hundred cell sites in Eastern Pennsylvania. 

During the course of the project, the fiber provider submitted hundreds of pole application permits to the local utility company that owned the poles.  Unfortunately, due to the volume of the applications, the fiber provider’s lack of experience with the policies and procedures of the local utility and the need for make ready, the deadlines required by the fiber provider were not being met.  While both the fiber provider and the utility were working arduously to meet the requirements, the relationship between them had deteriorated and became contentious.  It was at this point owing to Celerity’s reputation for working well with the utility that we were requested to assist in expediting the project moving forward as well as rectifying some of the past practices of the fiber provider that had led to the contentious relationship with the utility.

The Challenge

All projects have a certain amount of obstacles to overcome.  To say that the obstacles in this project seemed insurmountable at the onset would be a gross understatement.  At the onset of the project there were numerous issues to overcome and each of those issues were intricately linked to one another to the point where nothing was moving forward and each attempt to dislodge a particular issue further intensified the parties’ grip on other issues.  Fortunately, by rolling out a massive multipronged approach that enabled the fiber provider to move forward and light service to a number of critical timeframe sites, at the same time as addressing past workmanship concerns that the utility had with the fiber provider, the project began to get traction and move forward. 

Celerity became the fiber provider’s agent for all permit applications and the preferred vendor for all construction, splicing and testing services that took place in the utility’s footprint.  Celerity was able to provide the overall project management and tracking of all past applications and future applications.  By setting reasonable deadlines and expectations, the issues that were troubling both parties slowly began moving toward resolution and all new applications that were submitted by Celerity moved forward with precision.


The Outcome

There is little doubt that the project was a collaborative effort between the fiber provider, the utility and Celerity.  By the end of the project, the fiber provider had successfully provided lit services to all of their targeted locations.  The utility company was satisfied that their policies and procedures were met on the new projects and that the issues that pre-dated Celerity’s involvement were resolved.  All future projects are moving forward seamlessly and Celerity continues to enjoy a strong business relationship with both the fiber provider and the utility.  We feel that we owe these ongoing relationships and the success of this project to our reputation of being a company built upon the quality of our service and the value we place in our integrity.  


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