Fiber Network Audit


During the course of providing some continued construction and maintenance type splicing services for a small metro fiber provider, Celerity discovered several discrepancies between the company’s records and the actual site conditions.

Specifically, several of the fiber records indicating the splice assignments throughout the network did not accurately reflect how the fibers were spliced in the field. Subsequently, several of the fiber provider’s projects were becoming labor intensive and difficult to perform. There was an overall lack of faith in the accuracy of the records and the company became concerned that a minor outage or routine project had the potential to escalate into a much larger project. Regardless of the cause, it became evident that auditing the network and cleaning the records was a project that would ultimately save the company time and expense in the future. 

The Challenge

Celerity worked with the fiber provider to develop a plan to perform in field audits of the most critical pieces of the network.  While the overall network was less than 50 route miles, the project still involved several days of work for multiple crews to physically lower all the existing splice cases and document the existing condition of the cases.  By project’s end, over 35 splice cases were audited and Celerity collected information regarding the sheath footages of all cables in the case, the overall condition of the case and whether it posed a service outage threat.  Celerity also documented the internal splice assignments of the cases with the most labor intensive splice case being a 6 way splice case containing (2) 144 count cables, (2) 72 count cables, (1) 36 count cable and (1) 12 count cable.  Following the field audit portion of the project, Celerity meticulously organized the data into legible splice matrices that clearly illustrate the splice assignment and condition of every splice point on the network.


Celerity became the fiber provider’s agent for all permit applications and the preferred vendor for all construction, splicing and testing services that took place in the utility’s footprint. Celerity was able to provide the overall project management and tracking of all past applications and future applications. By setting reasonable deadlines and expectations, the issues that were troubling both parties slowly began moving toward resolution and all new applications that were submitted by Celerity moved forward with precision.


The Outcome

There is little doubt that the project was a collaborative effort between the fiber provider, the utility and Celerity.  By the end of the project, the fiber provider had successfully provided lit services to all of their targeted locations.  The utility company was satisfied that their policies and procedures were met on the new projects and that the issues that pre-dated Celerity’s involvement were resolved.  All future projects are moving forward seamlessly and Celerity continues to enjoy a strong business relationship with both the fiber provider and the utility.  We feel that we owe these ongoing relationships and the success of this project to our reputation of being a company built upon the quality of our service and the value we place in our integrity.  


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