Another exciting event at Celerity has been an almost year long process of fine tuning Celerity’s branding message. This branding message includes a multitude of design tools to promote additional clarity within the Celerity brand.

The branding message additional clarity contains:

  • 4 new sales peripherals
  • modified logos
  • office design elements
  • an LED ribbon display for the PPL Center
  • an LED billboard display for the PPL Center

While the marketing project has been both challenging and rewarding, we couldn’t have done it without the help of the wonderful people at Smithworks. At the onset of the project, there was no doubt that we would enlist the help of Smithworks Design—the same group that had helped us with our initial branding project nearly 7 years ago.

Celerity Branding Item Spread
Celerity Branding Adding Additional Clarity

In the 12 year evolution and growth of Celerity, our quality driven and customer-centric approach has not wavered yet our company has grown in the scope of services that we provide.  With that increase of capability, Celerity has expanded the breadth of the customers that we are able to serve. 

The project of refreshing Celerity’s brand to add further clarity into who we are and what we do has been a project that has forced us to assess ourselves and how we want to convey that message to the world.