Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Celerity employees have been following CDC guidelines which include recording and submitting individual temperatures daily before reporting for duty.

As a way to maintain employee enthusiasm and encourage responsible habits, Celerity instituted a reward incentive program. The aforementioned Responsibility plan is pay plan that rewards the accomplishment of reporting daily temperatures, including nights and weekends.

While this program is being implemented to encourage employees to stay on top of daily temperature reporting, let us not forget that it is a requirement for all Celerity personnel.

Communications is now, more than ever, a critical necessity of our everyday lives.  The infrastructure that supports that communication is at the foreground of daily life as many are working remotely or using devices to keep in touch with loved ones.  As a company that designs, constructs, services and maintains that infrastructure, Celerity remains open for business while strictly adhering to local and federal guidelines.