Celerity Integrated Services, Inc. strives for continuous training and safety instruction for our employees. We value maintaining, building and improving the knowledge of safety, hand eye coordination, and proper care and handling of equipment.
This May, Celerity employees were trained in the safe operating procedures of pole setting at our facility with company owned vehicles. Each field employee, decked in proper PPE, was given rigorous training that included safety, truck specifications, maintenance requirements, work capacities, load charts and the actual operational procedure of the equipment. The process began with PA One Call’s onsite identification of potential underground utilities one week prior to the training course. After it was determined the premise was safe for setting poles, the training started with a tailboard meeting, per Celerity’s daily safety program. Within the tailboard meeting, Celerity discussed many action items.
Some of the action items included
- the process and the approach regarding a Job Safety Checklist
- Job Hazard Assessment
- the location of the training
- emergency planning
- the specifications of the equipment.
Each employee involved in the training engaged in an online course, followed by a live classroom session, which led to the thorough inspection of the ANSI and dielectric factored equipment. The training was brought to a close with hands-on experience of the pole setting process. As the physical portion of the training commenced, field employees used Celerity owned Digger Derreks to drill a hole in which the pole was set. The certified instructor guided Celerity employees toward perfecting their skills with the equipment through the placement of several wooden poles and the final tamping process. Over time, field employees will run strand, set anchors and practice pole climbing at our own facility. This training area is evolving into a place where Celerity’s beliefs of improvement through practice and training can become a standard.
We would like to extend a thank you to all involved in this training.
Pole setting training Pole setting instructors Grounded Celerity Vehicle Celerity employee training
Celerity designs, builds, services and maintains fiber optic and wireless infrastructure.